What is that saying...I am so behind I am ahead of myself??? Well certainly I am behind in my thankful days. Think of it, me busy!!! How about that? I will try and catch up now...
Sunday, November 23...
Today was the 4th Sunday of the month, so it is Conference talk Sunday! Amber Mann teaches Relief Society on these Sundays. I love it when she teaches. She gives such good lessons (all the RS teachers are excellent). Today's lesson was "Lift Where You Stand" by President Uchtdorf. What a wonderful talk. He is such a spiritual man. I enjoy his talks so much. So today I am very grateful for General Conference. I am inspired and spiritually fed every April and October. To hear the Prophet and Apostles speak gives me comfort in troubles times. Every talk seems to be what I need to hear and what I need to work on the most. I get guidance and direction, which in turn strengthens my testimony. I wait anxiously for the November issue of the Ensign which is the Conference one. I am able to read, ponder and study each talk in more depth. How thankful I am to have a living Prophet, President Monson on the earth today, to lead us and guide us. I am so thankful for the Twelve and the other general authorities and auxiliary leaders. I am such a better person when I listen and learn from them.
Monday, November 24...
I live in a wonderful time in the history of the world. Like I said before, I have all these modern conveniences to make my life easier. Today I am really thankful we have a car (2 automobiles to be exact). I was thinking about the pioneers trekking across the plains in the blistering heat and the freezing cold. I don't think I could have done it. What sacrifices they made for me!!! (I must say here that I am also thankful for the pioneers) But, all I need to do is go out into my nice, cozy garage and get in my comfortable car, start 'er up and I can be anywhere I need to be in a matter of minutes, not days. I have heat when it is cold and air-conditioning when it is hot. I have music to enjoy on my journey. How thankful I am for modern transportation. Here's a "honk-out" to my cars!!! Thanks!!
Today, Tuesday, November 25th...
I am so thankful today for wonderful neighbors! Last night we had a knock at our door. I opened to find sweet neighbors with a fun goodie for us. How thoughtful was that? Tons!!!!! Thanks Lisa and Max for the goodie and the fun visit. It was wonderful to get to know them better! We have such wonderful people that live around us. I might have said this before, but I am really, really thankful for sweet people like Lisa and Max who take time out of their busy life to think of me and Rudy. What a good example for me to follow. So a big shout-out and thanks goes to dear neighbors.
One funny side-line to go with this post. Max was checking out Leon (our fishy) and he said he could put his nose in the water. I said that he didn't want to do that because he would get "cucka" on ya, meaning fish goobers. He gave me a puzzled look and said, "What is "cuckaonya" (he thought it was all one word). What a crack-up! He is such a cute little guy. So beware of any kind of "cuckaonya"!!!!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Behind Again!
Posted by Carol and Rudy Benoit 1 comments
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Everyday when I turn on my computer, my screensaver is the Mt. Timpanogos Temple. I am so thankful for our temples! What a peaceful, restful, and most sacred place! When you are in the temple your worldly cares are gone and you can concentrate on the sacred work you are doing. I remember the first time I went to the temple. I was nervous, of course. But, I will never forget the feeling of peace that come over me. I had never felt the spirit so strong as I did that day. Every time I go back, I can still feel the sacred spirit and the peace I felt the first time. How blessed am I that I have a temple right here in my own back yard. In Utah we have so many temples all around us, that we can be to one in just a matter of minutes. Some Saints save a life-time to be able to go once to the temple. I am so humbled by their sacrifice. Thanks to my Heavenly Father for his love for me. I am thankful for the opportunity to go to his sacred house. As the primary song says..."I love to see the temple...to feel his holy spirit to listen and to pray. So today I am so thankful for Holy Temples.
Posted by Carol and Rudy Benoit 0 comments
Friday, November 21, 2008
2 days late and many dollars short!
I have been really busy (for me) these last few days, and have gotten a little behind in my blogging. You know the old saying...Time flies when you are having fun! I think time flies when you are getting older, when you are very busy (and/or) having fun! Anyway here are my last few "thankful fors".
Wednesday, November 19...Rudy had procedure done on his back this day. He had injections into areas around his spine...I think it is steroid injections. We were at the Timpanogos Hospital a good part of the day. Everything went really well. He had 4 injections, so it took about 40 minutes to do (and several hours of waiting before and after)! But, after all is said and done, the most important part is praying that they will give him some pain relief. So today I am thankful for modern day medicine and medical procedures. We have come a long way Baby! I am grateful there are people who are willing to spend so much of their time to become MD's, nurses, technologists and other health care workers! Thanks to all the dedicated men and women!
Thursday, November 20...We have been going through lots of trials lately...(doesn't everyone!!). I guess it has been a little over-whelming to me. So I have had the uglies the last few days. Worry is a wasted emotion, and it gets the best of me! Yesterday I woke up on the wrong side of the bed and was pretty disagreeable to everyone around me. I hate when I am in those moods!! Grow-up Girlie... how old am I???!!! Anyway, I am so grateful for forgiveness and the people who forgive me. Having to ask for forgiveness and telling someone I love, I am sorry is hard for me. And I have had to do that a lot lately. So I am very thankful I am able to repent and ask for forgiveness. To all those I have annoyed I am truly sorry. Thanks for forgiving me!
Today Friday, November 21...Blogging has been a good thing for me. I have looked back and read over older posts. Wow! Some of the postings I had forgotten about. It is so nice to have this on-line journal to refresh my mind and re-live wonderful times. So today I am thankful for blogging. Not only my blog, but dear friends blogs. I think they call it blog stalking (or is it snooping?) but I enjoy seeing fun family pictures and reading about others lives. You find out some fun facts you never knew about friends. It helps me see that all of us have tough times now and again. I learn from others struggles with everyday things and everyday life. I can also feel of their happiness and enjoy the great times. It seems to bring us closer as friends. So today, thanks to all my blogger buddies. I am thankful you let me peek into your lives. I am also thankful I have my blog. I have learned a lot about myself. Here's a shout-out to blogging! Hip Hip Hooray!!!
Posted by Carol and Rudy Benoit 1 comments
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Happy Birthday, Rudy
Today is Rudy's birthday! I started the thankful list with Rudy and I am going to put a "thanks for Rudy" in the middle. I am so grateful to have a Rudy (the one and only) in my life. Like I have said before, he is the bestest in the Westest!(and Northest, Southest and even Eastest) I love him so much! He is so good to me and he is kind, considerate and loving. He honors his Priesthood and me! What more could a Carol want? Nothing!!! So, Rudy thankyou for you and Happy Birthday, Honey!!!
Last night we went to dinner with the "AF girls" (which includes Dennis and Rudy). We went to the Olive Garden. We celebrated our Wedding Anniversary and Rudy's birthday. Rudy was in seventh Heaven. He loves his pasta! Our waiter came up to ask us what we wanted to drink and all of a sudden he said he was in our Ward. He knew we lived in Pemberley etc. I guess he saw us at church (we are pretty unforgetable characters...one with O2 and one with a cane). His name was Branden Madsen. He said they live in Rockwell, but they went away for the summer to work. He showed us a picture of his wife, and I remember seeing her in RS. She has beautiful long red hair. They have a little baby girl. I think he said his wife's name was Becca. I told him to come talk to us on Sunday. I will have to watch for him. By the way, he was a very good waiter!!!
So thankyou Brandon!!! (and AF girls)
This morning we got a phone call, and who should be on the line but our cute Alli girl and Blake! They each sang "Happy Birthday" to Rudy. We both got kinda teary eyed. He put it on speaker-phone so I could hear them sing. (we could even hear their dog Lucy in the background, singing along with them) What a beautiful way for Rudy to start out his birthday! Thanks goes to the Palmers, you made our day!
Posted by Carol and Rudy Benoit 2 comments
Monday, November 17, 2008
Sixteen going on Seventeen!
Today I am thankful for music. Music can change your attitude. It can set the tone. It evokes so many different emotions. I love music...from church hymns to classical, I love most kinds. Nothing can help you feel the spirit in church better than music. Reading the lyrics and listening to the beauty of the music can be a wonderful way to add to the worship service. There is nothing better to humble you than hearing primary children sing! Rudy and I love to watch the Mo Tab Choir every Sunday morning to set the tone for the day! When you are feeling the blahs, uplifting music can change your mood. Nobody can tell a story like a good ole country tune! There is nothing like a Disney song to make you feel like a child again. Golden oldies can bring back memories of long ago! Listening to love songs is a great way to "Huggle-McSnuggle"! But this time of the year has to be one of my favorite for music. Christmas music!!! It started on the first day of November. I love it!!! And thankfully Rudy does too. There are so many wonderful Christmas songs. There are reverent ones like "Oh Holy Night", "Silent Night", "With Wondering Awe". and "Away in a Manger", to name a few of my favorites. Then you have the fun ones like, "Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer" (you knew I had to name that one with a Rudy in the house!), "We Need a Little Christmas", "Deck the Halls" and "Silver Bells". Space is to limited to name all of my favorites, but you get the picture! We have even started to go to bed each night, with Christmas tunes taking us off into sleepy land and help us wake-up each morning! So I guess it is time to put on a Christmas CD and be thankful for all the wonderful music there is to enjoy!
p.s. did you get the sixteen going on seventeen clue? Yes, it is from The Sound of Music! Clever huh!!! I love movie songs also...they almost make you feel like a "Star" when you sing them! So "Don't Rain on My Parade", because "People" need people to help them "Climb Every Mountain"! Ok, ok enough already!!!
Posted by Carol and Rudy Benoit 0 comments
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Today is Nov. 16 and it is the 16th day of thanks. Today I am thankful for movies. Thankful for movies you ask. Yes, thankful for movies. They have to be good movies, I must add. No thanks for those dumb ones!!! Why movies....well the answer is, I like to be entertained, taken away on some adventure, learn new things, laugh, cry, use my brain to figure out the plot etc. I must confess we have not been to the movie theater for quite a while. We have watched movies on the Hallmark channel, or rented from red box. We even have pulled out our own DVDs (ones we haven't watched before). And may I say, we have a plethora of them! We have been really bored with plain old TV lately, so we have been movie watching. Why just yesterday we watched "Madagascar" (I have been singing..."I like to move it, move it...for 2 whole days). We both could not remember seeing it and we wanted to see the first one before going to the next one..."Madagascar 2". We are for sure going to see it!!! If anyone wants to go with...give us a call. Rudy and I both laughed out loud at that movie. It was pretty good and pretty funny (unless we were just in a silly mood). It fulfilled many of my qualifications...entertaining, adventurous, and made us laugh! So there you go! Today after church, we watched a movie we had recorded from the Hallmark channel..."Generation Gap". The title says it all. A teenage bad boy goes to live with his grandfather and becomes a good boy! Anyway, we both liked it. You cannot go to wrong with the Hallmark channel. It was entertaining etc and also made us cry. Here we both were, sitting on the sofa, blubbering, tears rolling down our cheeks, sniffling, old cronies watching a TV movie. That is one way to have a good time!!! The only way to make it better, would have been to have a big bowl of popcorn...but I will leave popcorn for another Thankful day!!!! So here's a cheer for good movies. I am thankful for them!!! Rah, Rah, Rah!!!
Posted by Carol and Rudy Benoit 1 comments
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Mushy Post Alert !!
This post contains mushy, lovey content, so reader beware!!!
This morning I was sitting in my office, in the recliner, reading Mr. Einstein (yes, I am still reading Albert Einstein...it is a long, long book). I had blocked everything out because when you read about the theory of relativity, you have to concentrate. Who should come up behind me, but my Rudy. He cupped his hands around my cheeks and gave me an upside-down kiss! He told me it was my first kiss of November 15...which was not true, cuz we kissed when we woke up...but anyhow, he wished me a happy 15th! If you are gagging at this point, I warned you!!! So today I am thankful for HUGS and KISSES! There is nothing better than a Rudy massage or a Rudy kiss! When I am hurting, he will massage me and make it all better. I told him he has "healing hands". I sometimes get bad headaches and he can gently rub my forehead and it takes some of the pain away. He can also "kiss and make anything better". Even when I am not hurting, it is great to have someone to hug and kiss on...just because you love them. HUGS and KISSES rock!!!
Posted by Carol and Rudy Benoit 1 comments
Friday, November 14, 2008
Four + Ten = 14
I had to get up before breakfast this morning! (so did the Rudster) We had to be in Salt Lake at nine o'clock. Not knowing what traffic would be like, we left at 7:45 am. Needless to say we were early! Traffic was wonderful and I have that lead foot thing going on. Of course I drove so we would get there today and not tomorrow ("grandpa Rudy"). Rudy had a hearing at the Bennett Federal Building about his Social Security disability. After four long years and lawyers and appeals, the judge finally made the decision. Instead of waiting for him to decide, he made his decision part of the record today. Rudy is disabled...like we didn't already know...but it is legally decided now. Along with the judge, he had a physician and a guy that says if you can work at any job there (I cannot remember what they are called) to give feedback about what they thought about Rudy's case. All three came to the same conclusion...Rudy is disabled. Now I am not excited that he is disabled, but I am glad he will get disability payments (which he deserves). That will certainly help us out. Living from paycheck to paycheck has been hard. Maybe now we will be able to put a little money in savings, so when we have broken cars or whatever, we can pay it right off! So today I am thankful for the Justice system. Thanks to all the doctors and lawyers that have worked with us on this journey! And, thanks so much Judge K.
Posted by Carol and Rudy Benoit 0 comments
Thursday, November 13, 2008
What a day!
Alli Palmer came to over today so we could play. Today she called me Grandma again. I cannot think of a better thing to be called. We have so much fun when Alli comes. We play with the toys, we read books, we watch cartoons and have a treat! Today's treat was a banana. Bananas are Alli's favorite thing...along with many other things!!!(I hope I am one of her favorite things) What a wonderful way to spend 3 hours. Time really does fly when you are having fun with Alli. Can you tell I love that little girl??!!!
After such a good morning, Mother called to tell us Jane was taking Kay back to the hospital. He had stomach surgery last week and now he is in kidney failure! Last time I talked to her, they were still in the ER waiting to see if he was going to be admitted. If he truly is in kidney failure they better admit him. As of this posting we are still waiting to hear what is going on. Jane is suppose to call when she knows more. So up dates will come. Kay you are in our prayers!
Posted by Carol and Rudy Benoit 0 comments
Lucky number 13!
Today is Nov. 13. Most people say the number 13 is an unlucky number. I try and look at it as being an unique number, not unlucky at all. If you look at it, it is kind of a pretty number. You have the sleekness of the 1 and the curves of the 3. You have everything in one number. So today I am thankful that everyone is unique, just like the number 13. How dull would it be if we were all the same. Yuck!! Boring, boring boring. Even though we are all different, we all are the same. We are all children of our Heavenly Father. He created each of us to be unique. He has given each of us talents to share. This helps us to grow...both in sharing and receiving the benefits of each others abilities. By sharing our talents, we enlarge them and they become better!! What a wonderful way things work out!! So rather than judging someone as strange or different, I am going to think of them as unique, with talents and abilities to share. I am thankful that Heavenly Father made me "unique"!
Posted by Carol and Rudy Benoit 0 comments
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
On the Twelveth Day of Thanks...
Today has been a gloomy, gray, rainy day. Just the kind of day I like to snuggle under a blanket and read a good book. So that is just what I have done today. We went to the pool this morning and had a good work-out/time. It had rained, but was not raining when we got there. After our hour of pool "therapy", we get out to the car and it was sputtering or misting rain. Not real lots, but just enough to turn on the wipers now and again. As we got closer to home it was a little bit heavier. So what a good day to read. Today I am thankful for books and the ability to read. Thanks goes to all my teachers who taught me how to read. Reading is one of my favorite things. I just love it. I can tune just about everything out when I am engrossed in a book. I have read so many wonderful works of literary art in my life, and some not so wonderful. I guess you have to take the good with the bad. Right now I am reading a bio of Albert Einstein. I have to concentrate when they are talking all that physics stuff. Fortunately I took a lot of physics in school. I enjoyed it, I guess because we used lots of it in Ultrasound. (By the way...what an interesting man.) Also I just finished a book called..."A Girl Named Zippy"... for book club. It reminded me of myself growing up. These are two totally different types of books. I am glad I like so many different genre of books. I learn so much by reading. It takes me away to different places and times. Reading enlightens me and makes me think!!! I am also thankful for our neighborhood book club. I have read many books I probably would have never chosen on my own. After reading I enjoy our discussions, which enables me to understand the book and maybe see it in a different light. So I will be thankful for those rainy days...beside needing the water, I have an excuse to snuggle up and read...(like I ever need an excuse)
Posted by Carol and Rudy Benoit 0 comments
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
A Word from Rudy
This is Rudy, I don't post much, but I just have to say that yesterday being our 13th Anniversary was great, we didn't celebrate by buying anything or eating anything fancy, we did have a wonderful dinner with family and that is the greatest, after all I married into an absolutely wonderful family. I love them all, I love Carol most of all and am so grateful for her love and example. I hope some day to be worthy of her.
Posted by Carol and Rudy Benoit 0 comments
"Adult Dinner"
Last night Paula and Ray hosted a dinner for my siblings and Mother. Aunt Lorraine was also invited. It was night to reminisce and visit. What a great idea Aunt Paula!!! She fixed dinner for all. We had yummy chicken noodle soup or beef stew in bread bowls. It hit the spot on a cold and rainy night. For dessert she had made an ice cream cake-roll or cherry pie. Well of course we all had to have a smidgen of both. It was delicious!!! After dinner we were each assigned to bring a memory of someone in the family. We laughed until we cried at some of the funny things we had done together through the years. It was so fun to hear fond memories of things I had forgotten. There were also very touching moments, which of course I had tears!!! It was so good to be together with each other. Rudy learned some things about me and I learned some things about Ann, Jane and Ray. It was touching to hear about Mom and Dad's courtship and some of the things we had not heard before. Mother also told us about their early marriage. It was great to catch up on each other's daily lives, and just visit. I love to be with my family. Thanks Paula and Ray for a perfect evening. Even though we get together a lot with the whole family, I think we should get the siblings together more like this. Fun was had by all!!!
Posted by Carol and Rudy Benoit 0 comments
Veterans day/ Day 11
Today is Veterans Day. It is celebrated on November 11, no matter what day of the week it falls on. I celebrate and honor America's veterans for their patriotism, love of country, and willingness to serve and sacrifice for the common good. How grateful I am to live in a free country. I think of the many who gave the ultimate sacrifice and thank and reverence their memory. I am thankful for those who now serve and pray for their safety. It sends chills through me when I see the flag waving in the breeze. Thanks goes to all those who have or now serve this free land of liberty. I appreciate and honor you not only on this Veterans Day but every day of the year!
Posted by Carol and Rudy Benoit 0 comments
Monday, November 10, 2008
Tenth day and Thirteenth year
Today is November 10, 2008. Which means today is our 13th wedding anniversary! Lucky number thirteen. It was a cold and rainy/snowy day in 1995. A lot like today is. But it was one of my best days ever. In some ways it feels like only yesterday, but yet, I can't remember what it was ever like without my sweetheart Rudy. I am so thankful for being able to be married!!! It is the best thing ever to know I will have my eternal companion with me always. I waited a long time for Rudy. At times I thought I would never find him. Finally I decided to leave it in the Lord's hands and look what I got. An answer to my prayers. The best of the best, the cream of the crop, a number 1 and all those other cliches!!! We tease sometimes that we are misfits and it is great we found each other. But we are such a good fit and love each other so much, no one else would do! We are so meant to be together!!! So, Honey...I love you and I am glad you are mine for the eternities. Thanks for marrying me, because marriage is truly a wonderful gift and one that I am so thankful for!!!
Posted by Carol and Rudy Benoit 1 comments
Sunday, November 9, 2008
My cute Alli
On the way home from church we saw Amy, Blake, Alli and Tyler walking home from church. So after lots of begging (NOT) Rudy stopped to talk. Alli was so excited to see us. She got a great big smile and said her usual "Hi Caro and Wooody." She got in the truck and gave me a big hug. I ask her if she wanted to go home with me(not thinking she ever would). Immediately she said Yes and told her Mom good-bye and wanted her to shut the door. But shutting the door was not enough, she wanted the window up. I think she though Amy might get her through the window. She said "bye-bye Momma", several times and then we were off. We rode around doing a limited "Pemberley Patrol". Rudy then asked her if she wanted to go back to her Mommy. She said yes, but when we got back, she really did not want to stay. We talked her into eating her lunch and also told her she was coming over to play on Tues. So she waved good-bye, and off to home we went. I totally didn't think she would go, but it did this old heart good when she did. It really made my day!!! I love you, little Alli!!!
Oh and by the way...Jolene Mumford's little guy Isaac said "Hi" to us and called us by our names. I so love these little children in our neighborhood. They brighten-up our lives so much. How cute are they all!!!!
Posted by Carol and Rudy Benoit 1 comments
Nine and Counting
Today is Sunday, and as usual we started the day by listening to the Mo Tab Choir. I love the choir broadcasts each Sunday morning. They help to start the day with the Spirit. After, off we went to church . In Sacrament Meeting we had 2 really good speakers. They each spoke about conversion. I enjoyed hearing both talks. Each helped me to reflect on my life and my conversion. It is good to remember when you felt those spiritual feelings of being really converted. Thanks to Bro. Komen and Sister Rasmussen for their excellent talks.
Then to Sunday School class. We had a new teacher today. Bro. Adams was the teacher and he is really a good one. Our discussion was about the Gift of the Holy Ghost. It was a great discussion. I enjoy when there is lots of comments. I learn so much.
After Sunday School, it is Relief Society. The lessons for the whole year have been about the Prophet Joseph Smith. Today was about the love he showed to his family, even while he was away so much or imprisoned. Most of the lesson had letters he wrote to Emma. He gave her so much encouragement in troubles times. He spoke of his love for her and the children. One quote I don't want to ever forget is..."My heart is entwined around yours forever and ever." That quote to me says it all. It is like...no matter what may come, the hardships we endure and the trials we may go through, I will love you forever and ever and we will be together through the eternities. I feel that way about Rudy. But, back to the Prophet Joseph...no matter what he went through, he loved his family and still testified of the truthfulness of the gospel. He wanted them to know that our Father will be there for us, come what may. It was a beautiful lesson.
So today I am thankful for Joseph Smith. I testify of him. He is a true prophet of God and did restore the Lord's church in these latter days. He indeed translated the Book of Mormon, and restored the Priesthood. I know he knelt in the Sacred Grove and prayed to a living Heavenly Father. In that same grove he saw both the Father and the Son, and heard both speak. I will ever be grateful to him for all he did to usher in this last dispensation. Joseph is one of my gospel Heros. Thankyou Brother Joseph!!
Posted by Carol and Rudy Benoit 0 comments
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Already Day 8
So I went to put in a batch of washing into the washer and I thought how much I love this washer/dryer set. It is the front-loading type and we purchased them when we moved here. How much easier it is for me to load and unload the wash! I realized how thankful I am for the modern conveniences that are available to us. No doing our wash on rocks, or putting it through the wringers. And, oh the days of hanging clothes out on a clothes-line to dry (I remember doing that, what a pain in the cold months). We have a dishwasher, a microwave oven, a refrigerator with water and crushed ice coming out the door. Yes, I remember the "old days" of the metal ice trays! We have a TV in the living room. One in the bedroom and in both of our offices. We don't even have to move to change the channels, because we have remotes. I even remember when we got out first color TV (when I was but a very,very young, little girl)! I think sometimes I take all this for granted. I don't take time to appreciate what we have around us to make our lives easier. Sometimes I wonder if we have it to easy, then I put that thought right out of my mind fast!!! I am so thankful I live now and have what I have. Thanks, thanks, many times thanks for those modern conveniences. Did I mention how grateful I am for "cordless/cell" phones?
Posted by Carol and Rudy Benoit 0 comments
Friday, November 7, 2008
It is day Seven
Rudy and I went to the pool this morning and had a great time as usual. Even though it was a bit chilly, I still had a good work-out. I am so thankful I am able to go to the pool. Swimming has helped me overcome self-consciousnesses and not to worry so much about what others think of me. It has helped me to know I can do almost anything. I am grateful for my health and the "lack" there-of. I am able to breath (with some 02 help). I am able to see and hear. I can walk around...slowly but surely. I can talk (Rudy would say"boy,can she talk"). In general I do really well, even though I have some challenges. I am thankful for those challenges. They make me humble and more understanding of others. To be able to know the good, you have to experience some bad. I am able to live through tough times because I know better times are ahead. When I visit with others in the pool, we always say,"at least we are here, and at least we are moving." So I am thankful I am here and I am moving!!!! ( I am not ready for the alternative)
Posted by Carol and Rudy Benoit 0 comments
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Day 6 of Thanks
Today is Alli Palmer's birthday...Happy Birthday Alli!!! She is two years old today. Way to go my sweet little girl. Alli is one of my favorite people and friend. She is always so glad to see me and says in her little Alli voice "Hi Caro" sometimes it is even "Hi Grandma Caro". We call her one of our rent-a-grandkids. I love you Alli.So today I am thankful for all of our wonderful friends. From Alli Palmer to everyone of our other friends. We are so blessed to have so many friends. Every month we go to dinner with the "AF Girls". These are girlfriends I have had since High School...some even from elementary school. It is so nice to spend 1 night a month and keep our friendship alive and well.We still have many friends from SLC we keep in touch with. There are work friends and neighborhood friends, and even our old ward friends. Through emails and phone calls we keep abreast of the happenings of old and dear friends. Since moving to Pleasant Grove we have met and made new friends. I have become close to the Sisters I visit teach...Amy, Emily and Mel. I have gotten especially close to my partner Mary Ann Sellers. I love each one of them. They each are so unique in their own special way.I have also made many new friends through our neighborhood book club. I hate to name names because I am afraid I will leave someone out, but I have really gotten close to Lindsay, Amber, Jolene, Holly, and so many more. If I left your name out please forgive me. I have renewed friendships with Marianne Hampton through book club and swimming. Speaking of swimming, my swim buddies I spent the summer with are all so special to me. I love you Phyllis, Shirley, Helene, JoAnne and Pam. I cannot wait until summer to get back in the pool with these neat women. Then there have been wonderful visiting teachers who visit me. Jen I can never repay you for your gentle encouragement and support. You will never know what an impact you have had on me. Then there is Becky. Thanks for your love and support and for Jack. Mary Lynn, I am so excited to hear about your mission, through you, my testimony is strenghtened. I must also mention Katie Tucker. She started to visit me through her calling in compassionate service, but has become a good friend. We have had many visits and discussions about books. She has even loaned me books that have become some of my favorites!!!Space is to short to mention all the names of friends we have in the Garden 9th Ward. What a wonderful group, and fantastic ward family we have. Everyone has taken us in and has shown so much love to us. We love you ward family.One friend I know I will have forever is my BFF, CJ Smith. She is such a special and unique person. She builds me up and cheers me up. We know how each other works. We can confide in each other and know that is as far as it will go. She has introduced me to new ways of thinking and new ways to see life. I love her!! Along with CJ, I love her girls. Ardis and Sarah are such good girls. I have grown to love and appreciate them so much. Thanks Smiths!!!As we journey through this life it is so wonderful to have friends to share our experiences with. Each of these good people touch my life and help to make me a better person. How sad it would be not to have friends. I am so blessed with all the unique and special people I have met along the way. I know there even more wonderful friends to meet. So here is a great big thanks to all my friends. Thanks for being you, because I am better for knowing you! President Kimball said (and I am paraphrasing) that the Lord is concern about all of us and knows our needs. He usually answers our prayers and our needs through other people. He has sure answered my prayers by sending friends into my life along the way. Thanks again dear friends!
Posted by Carol and Rudy Benoit 0 comments
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
New President-elect
Barack Obama won the election for president. I was of course disappointed, but now it is over and we need to move on. I have respect for the office of president. I hope he can pull the country together and get some things that need to be done, accomplished. So onward and upward.
It looks like the gay-marriage amendment in Ca. passed (It is opposed to gay marriage...marriage is between 1 man and 1 woman.) It's a good thing, as Martha Stewart would say. In the Utah elections I think most of the candidates won that I voted for. I hope things will improve in the State and Country. God Bless Us and God Bless the USA. I for one, am so glad it is over for a little while...too long and too much money spent. It is obscene!! All the money and time could be spent in a much better and productive way. Enough Said!!!
Posted by Carol and Rudy Benoit 0 comments
Snow/Fifth day of Thanks
So I opened the blinds this morning and it had snowed and still is snowing. What a beautiful sight to see...fresh, clean, white snow! Today I am thankful for this beautiful place we live. Not only our condo, our city, state, country, but our world. Heavenly Father and his Son created this wonderful world for us. I love the changing of the seasons. The crisp air of a Fall day. The array of Spring colors. The warmth of a Summer afternoon. And the beautiful blanket of snow in the Winter.
I am thankful for our country and those who fight to make us free. I love the state of Utah and the way of life we enjoy here. Pleasant Grove people are so friendly and kind. I am thankful for our home. I love living in Pemberley Condos! We have the best neighbors we have ever had. There has been many a day when we opened the front door and someone has left us a goodie or something from their garden. I am so thankful for our home. It is cozy and homey. We have tried to make it welcoming. It is the perfect set up for Rudy and me. NO STAIRS! I am so grateful we made the choice to move here. What a wonderful blessing!!!
Posted by Carol and Rudy Benoit 2 comments
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
My Thanksgiving Blessing.
I am Thankful for Carol, She has helped make me the man I have become, no one has shaped me like she has. I am a better man for knowing and Loving her, I am so happy that I have Carol as my Bride, What do you do when all your dreams come true? I thank Heavenly Father every day for having her in my life and seeing the example she is for me. My Parents said it all, they think the Sun and the Moon rises and sets with Carol, I agree...Rudy
Posted by Carol and Rudy Benoit 1 comments
Thanksgiving Month
So I decided each day of the month I would post one thing I am thankful for. I decided this four days into the month, so I am behind already!!! So here are the first four...
November 1...I am so thankful for my Rudy!! If I had to start a gazillion lists it would always start with Rudy! He is my life, my best friend, my confidant, my hero, my love! He makes me laugh when I need a chortle! He is an example of faith. He is so smart and knowledgeable. He is a great cook and dishwasher! He treats me like a queen. He loves me for me and expects nothing more. And he is so darn HANDSOME!!! I thank my Father in Heaven everyday for Rudy! What a lucky girl I am. Rudy is such a blessing in my life! I am thankful to have Rudy for an eternal companion and I love you "no matter what" and forever x 2 !!!!
November 2...I am thankful for my parents. I have the best Mother and Dad! I know everyone says that, but for me it is the truth! Even though my dad is not with me physically, I feel him close around me every day. I hear his advice constantly and remember things he told to me when he was alive. I love and miss you Dad!
I am so thankful we live close to mother now. I love our talks on the phone. She is a good "pick-me-upper" and encourages me to do better. I am grateful for all she does for me and Rudy. I love you Mother!
My parents taught me by example. They taught me good values and to be honest. (And they still teach me). They love me and support me in all I do. They too, are a blessing in my life! Thanks Mother and Dad!
November 3... I am grateful for my two sisters and brother and their spouses. Jane is so talented and helped me to get started in crafty stuff! Ray taught me to "drag main". Ann and I were buddies since we were little. We have had so many fun and spiritual times through-out our lives.
We shared so many experiences together..."Buckboard Motel", Sunday popcorn, Thanksgiving dinners, Christmas bingo and Christmas punch, Camping in the trailers, Yellowstone, Disneyland and more... I am grateful that Jane has Kay and Ray has Paula and someday Ann will have someone too. I have so many memories of so many different things, but one thing I know is that we will always be there for each other. Thanks guys...I love you.
November 4... Today is election day! I am grateful to live in a free country where I am able to vote for our leaders. It is such a privilege to be able to vote. I can remember how excited I was when I turned 18 yrs old and was able to vote in my first presidential election. I have voted in every election since then. I am so thankful for that right.
So I have gotten the first 4 days of my"month of thanks" done. It feels good to be able to express my thanks. I really am so blessed.
Like I said it is election day today. We voted about noon time. We only had to wait about 35 minutes to vote. I thought it would be longer than that. Maybe all those early voters helped out. I voted for John McCain for President. I am hoping he will win. I hope we will know tonight...no more years like 2000!!! If Obama wins I will respect the office of President, but it will be very hard to respect the man. He really makes me worry. I guess life will go on. No one can tell the future. All I know is that we have to stay close to the church and follow the prophet. Thank heavens for a living prophet to guide us!!! (in these latter-days)
Posted by Carol and Rudy Benoit 0 comments
Monday, November 3, 2008
Thanks my cutie Rudy
Just a short note to thank my sweetie for jazzing up the old blog!!! I told him I wanted the count-downs and low and behold they are on here. I couldn't have such a fun blog without him! Don't you all wish you had a "Rudy"? There is only one like him, so sorry ladies I got the original one and only! I am so lucky!
A lot has happened since last blog. I am still waiting for picture up-dates from friends and family (this means you Ann) hint hint. So I will post our fun times when I have a little more time to sit and reflect on all that has gone on... and if I get pics, I will post them too...hint hint!!!
Posted by Carol and Rudy Benoit 0 comments