Sunday, November 16, 2008


Today is Nov. 16 and it is the 16th day of thanks. Today I am thankful for movies. Thankful for movies you ask. Yes, thankful for movies. They have to be good movies, I must add. No thanks for those dumb ones!!! Why movies....well the answer is, I like to be entertained, taken away on some adventure, learn new things, laugh, cry, use my brain to figure out the plot etc. I must confess we have not been to the movie theater for quite a while. We have watched movies on the Hallmark channel, or rented from red box. We even have pulled out our own DVDs (ones we haven't watched before). And may I say, we have a plethora of them! We have been really bored with plain old TV lately, so we have been movie watching. Why just yesterday we watched "Madagascar" (I have been singing..."I like to move it, move it...for 2 whole days). We both could not remember seeing it and we wanted to see the first one before going to the next one..."Madagascar 2". We are for sure going to see it!!! If anyone wants to go with...give us a call. Rudy and I both laughed out loud at that movie. It was pretty good and pretty funny (unless we were just in a silly mood). It fulfilled many of my qualifications...entertaining, adventurous, and made us laugh! So there you go! Today after church, we watched a movie we had recorded from the Hallmark channel..."Generation Gap". The title says it all. A teenage bad boy goes to live with his grandfather and becomes a good boy! Anyway, we both liked it. You cannot go to wrong with the Hallmark channel. It was entertaining etc and also made us cry. Here we both were, sitting on the sofa, blubbering, tears rolling down our cheeks, sniffling, old cronies watching a TV movie. That is one way to have a good time!!! The only way to make it better, would have been to have a big bowl of popcorn...but I will leave popcorn for another Thankful day!!!! So here's a cheer for good movies. I am thankful for them!!! Rah, Rah, Rah!!!


Munford Family said...

We should make a party of going to Madagascar!