Friday, November 7, 2008

It is day Seven

Rudy and I went to the pool this morning and had a great time as usual. Even though it was a bit chilly, I still had a good work-out. I am so thankful I am able to go to the pool. Swimming has helped me overcome self-consciousnesses and not to worry so much about what others think of me. It has helped me to know I can do almost anything. I am grateful for my health and the "lack" there-of. I am able to breath (with some 02 help). I am able to see and hear. I can walk around...slowly but surely. I can talk (Rudy would say"boy,can she talk"). In general I do really well, even though I have some challenges. I am thankful for those challenges. They make me humble and more understanding of others. To be able to know the good, you have to experience some bad. I am able to live through tough times because I know better times are ahead. When I visit with others in the pool, we always say,"at least we are here, and at least we are moving." So I am thankful I am here and I am moving!!!! ( I am not ready for the alternative)