Friday, November 14, 2008

Four + Ten = 14

I had to get up before breakfast this morning! (so did the Rudster) We had to be in Salt Lake at nine o'clock. Not knowing what traffic would be like, we left at 7:45 am. Needless to say we were early! Traffic was wonderful and I have that lead foot thing going on. Of course I drove so we would get there today and not tomorrow ("grandpa Rudy"). Rudy had a hearing at the Bennett Federal Building about his Social Security disability. After four long years and lawyers and appeals, the judge finally made the decision. Instead of waiting for him to decide, he made his decision part of the record today. Rudy is we didn't already know...but it is legally decided now. Along with the judge, he had a physician and a guy that says if you can work at any job there (I cannot remember what they are called) to give feedback about what they thought about Rudy's case. All three came to the same conclusion...Rudy is disabled. Now I am not excited that he is disabled, but I am glad he will get disability payments (which he deserves). That will certainly help us out. Living from paycheck to paycheck has been hard. Maybe now we will be able to put a little money in savings, so when we have broken cars or whatever, we can pay it right off! So today I am thankful for the Justice system. Thanks to all the doctors and lawyers that have worked with us on this journey! And, thanks so much Judge K.