Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Snow/Fifth day of Thanks

So I opened the blinds this morning and it had snowed and still is snowing. What a beautiful sight to see...fresh, clean, white snow! Today I am thankful for this beautiful place we live. Not only our condo, our city, state, country, but our world. Heavenly Father and his Son created this wonderful world for us. I love the changing of the seasons. The crisp air of a Fall day. The array of Spring colors. The warmth of a Summer afternoon. And the beautiful blanket of snow in the Winter.
I am thankful for our country and those who fight to make us free. I love the state of Utah and the way of life we enjoy here. Pleasant Grove people are so friendly and kind. I am thankful for our home. I love living in Pemberley Condos! We have the best neighbors we have ever had. There has been many a day when we opened the front door and someone has left us a goodie or something from their garden. I am so thankful for our home. It is cozy and homey. We have tried to make it welcoming. It is the perfect set up for Rudy and me. NO STAIRS! I am so grateful we made the choice to move here. What a wonderful blessing!!!


Katie said...

I love Pemberley too! But I've always wondered, are they really condos? I've always thought they were townhouses. But maybe I'm off. They seem more homey than condos. Know what I mean?

Munford Family said...

I live the thankful posts I should do something like that. I understand the disappointment with Obama, but I am also glad it is over.