Friday, September 5, 2008

Another day, another post

Do you call it posting or blogging? I don't know. All I know is it has been fun. It is kind of like computer journaling. So I made it through another day of blogging and I promise not to keep counting down the days. It was an achievement to make it more than one day for me. Sometimes I start something and so not complete it!!!

I got up early this morning to read. Like I said I am forcing myself to finish "Breaking Dawn". I have less than 100 pages to go. Yea!!! Ann is coming to get the 3rd book of the "Twilight" series, so I would like to give her the fourth one also. I am not sure if I will complete it in time. I won't let myself start a new book until I finish this one. That is motivation right there!!!!!!!!!(see what I mean about not completing a task...I need motivation)

We stopped by to see Mother yesterday and had a good visit. She seemed very happy to see us. We had not been over to her house for a while, so it was good to see her. I usually talk to her almost everyday,on the phone, but don't go see her enough!!!We also did some errands for Aunt Lorraine, and stopped by to see her. Ann and Aunt Lorraine's house is looking like home now, and I really think they both are liking it alot. Ann has painted her front door and trim a bright red (of course). Is there any other color than red. It must be in our genes, because Dad loved red and of course it is my color!!! I really want to paint a red wall in our house...hopefully I can get that done before long.

We had a really good day yesterday.(even though I didn't swim...remember it is a obsession) It was great to get out and about. I love these fallish days. Not to hot and not to cool. Just right.

Where does the time go? I can't believe it is 8:30!!! I better get going. I need to get Mr. Benoit going!!! He has to go to physical therapy this morning and I need to do laundry...YUCK...and clean the house...YUCK...and go swimming after...HOORAY!!! I think after Rudy gets home from PT, I will make him go to the pool. It is suppose to be warm today. later gator...........