Thursday, September 11, 2008

Sept 11

It was 7 years ago that the World Trade Center was attacked (besides the Pentagon and Shanksville Pa.) It feels like it was yesterday. I was watching the news this morning and they were showing the news reports of how it happened that day. I remember where I was watching back then. It is surreal. I still watch the plane hitting the building and cannot believe it happened. I can remember those feelings I had that day. Feelings of horror, anger, worry, that something else might happen. We were glued to the TV both day and night. How that day changed the world we live in. We will never be the same. My prayers are that something like this will never happen here on our promised land again. How grateful I am to know we have a loving Father in Heaven who will never leave us in times of trial. I am so thankful for that knowledge. Today is a solemn day. A day of remembrance. A day of gratitude... grateful to be a United States citizen. A day to honor all those who fight for the freedom that I enjoy.And a day to pray for those families who lost friends and loved ones that horrible morning in September.
Also today is Rudy's father's birthday. So happy birthday Dad Benoit. We love you and miss you.