Monday, September 15, 2008

Later Sunday Night

Well, I got rejuvenated last night when Hampton's called and asked Rudy to come over and fix their remote control. Marianne told Rudy to bring me along. It took about 2 minutes for Rudy to find out the problem and 40 minutes to have a good visit with Don and Marianne. They are such fine, good people and we had a great visit. Then we went out on what I tease Rudy as "Pemberley Patrol". We simply ride around the neighborhood (looking for someone to visit with). We stopped and talked to Rick Voss, then saw Mailani out with Darcy dog. Rudy needed a pet fix, so we stopped and visited with her for a minute. While there, CJ came out and said we must of ESP. She was getting ready to come to visit us. I told we would go home so she could come over. Her and Rolly showed up about 3 minutes later. We had such a nice visit. We lounged back on the sofa with our legs up and talked for about a hour. She just brightens my life. I love her outlook. She makes me "chortle"!! We both laughed and commiserated about our lives. We just understand each other so well! What a wonderful way to end the Sabbath!!!!

By the way Carol means "Song of Joy". So I am just "Song of Joy", while CJ is redundant and is "Song of Joy Joy". She truly brings JOY into this world. I hope I can live up to that bringing a little joy here too!!