Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Rain, Rain go away

Well, not really. We need the moisture. We just can't go swimming in the rain. I woke up really early...5:45...and saw it had been raining. I wondered if it was suppose to rain all day, so I tuned in to the local news. Yes, it is suppose to rain most of the day. Oh well. Maybe it will stop later and we can go to Pemberley Pool. I went back to bed for about a hour. Got up, took my pills and read for awhile. It feels kinda gloomy today with the rain and dark clouds. I think I will just snuggle with a blanket and a book for most of today. If I can't go swimming, reading is the next best thing. I guess I could do some cleaning up around here...maybe not...reading sounds better on a rainy day!